I hate to admit it, but….
Okay, so I have a confession. I went on the American Navy Base yesterday. I know, I know…I swore that this day would never come. But it was eventually inevitable….and it was fantastic. Don’t worry – I didn’t sell myself to the navy boys….but while after watching the English teacher soccer team, one of the girls has base privileges and offered to take us onto the base for a late lunch/early dinner. The words “Subway” were uttered…and I was under the spell – cold cut combo?? How could I resist!? Anyways – so we got on, had our fantastic Subway – and also went into the Exchange (which was sort of like Walmart) – also a wonderful experience. Got some Easter chocolate (intended to give out as prizes to my kids…but will more than likely probably just be eaten by me!), toothpaste, vitamins, and a magazine for only $3.50 (not the usual $12 at the Japanese bookstores!). By the time we were finished at the Exchange – the grocery store was closed…a little sad because I was looking forward to some cheese!! But, all in all – it was a great experience. Probably will never be part of my regular routine…but it is nice to dream….

Then last weekend, myself and group of people from FIS (my Japanese class) went up to Hirado for Hinamatsuri – or a doll festival. Sadly the weather was really bad, and it was raining all day, but we managed to make the most of it. We went to an outdoor leg onsen,

I was incredibly tempted to stay in bed all day Sunday (after a night out at the standing bar – not a wild night, but fun nonetheless) – but it was absolutely gorgeous and sunny out…and I couldn’t justify that. So I went out and met up with Nicola and Jenny to watch the English teacher soccer team practice. Slightly boring, I’m not going to lie – but then 3 fire trucks pulled up, and the team invited them to play a game! Very exciting for a Sunday afternoon! Some of them were pretty cute…but they don’t exactly live up to the “firefighters” back home….but like I said – exciting nonetheless!

This week is quite slow at work – graduation ceremony is taking place on Wednesday – so clearly they need all day on Tuesday to prepare and rehearse bowing…thankfully I have gotten out of going to the rehearsals…and instead occupied myself by playing wikipedia challenge with Lana, Sandy & Shawna….ahhh, it’s a rough life sometimes…
Good post but you are in serious need for a new one! What have you been doing at school these past two weeks?
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