April has already arrived, and the cherry blossoms are out all over Japan!! I’ve heard soooo much about them and seen many pictures – but have never seen them for myself! And I’m not ashamed to say that I am absolutely loving it! I will post a few pictures – but bear in mind that it is only a few of MANY I have taken…especially since I went up to Kyoto (more on that later!)
So March has been a little busy! With the graduation ceremonies, year end ceremonies, work parties, weekend parties, Spring Equinox, and a few other things thrown in! I will try and make it brief and add pictures….
Graduation for the third years was pretty long and boring – mainly because I didn’t know what anyone was saying. But it was slightly amusing to watch the whole grade stand up super fast, bow at the exact same time and quickly sit down….I got out of their rehearsals – but I’m sure it was a whole afternoon of practicing just that….crazy people. As they were leaving the school grounds, we all stood outside with these arches and waved goodbye….reminded me of the last day of school in elementary where all the teachers would line up and we would wave from the school buses…only to see them dancing and jumping for joy from the back window….I now know how they felt…hahaha jk.

The following weekend was St. Patrick’s Day – and I was heading down to Omura to a party put on by an Irishman – so I was hoping it would be an authentic, Irish good time…but alas, it was not. It was still lots of fun – in the Japanese way (meaning all you can eat and drink) – but it was no Heart and Crown.

Julian, Jenny and Nicola at The Spot in Omura.

Monday morning after that, I get into work, and the staff room is all a-flutter and everyone is in their track suits…turns out it was the school walking trip! I was all pumped, although I was dressed for work, I had worn my sort-of trainers coming to work (classy, I know…), so had agreed to join them…little did I know that it would be a huge 2 hour walk (2kms of it were up hill) to the Ishidake Zoo – a sad little zoo on top of the hill over looking the 99 Islands. Since the walk there and back would not be enough exercise for the students, the teachers brought giant jump ropes and they had jump rope challenges for a bit. Then we all ate our packed lunches, and wandered around the zoo for an hour and a bit, then set off for the long walk back! So that was a bit more excitement for a Monday!

Tuesday night I headed down to Omura again for Kai’s birthday party – it was a national holiday on Wednesday for the Spring Equinox, so we went down for a night of picnics in the park and karaoke.

The following weekend, I was playing host to the gang from Omura and Nagasaki in my little city of Sasebo. The girls wanted an evening of Mexican food, margheritas, and some dancing in a navy bar. All were done – but sadly, Sasebo was a bit of a ghost town the weekend they were there. Many of the Japanese people were out with their end-of-the-year work parties, and most the ships were out….leaving us very little options.
Shawna, myself, Sandy and Lana at Tex Mex.Turned out to be an early night, but I redeemed my city the next day by taking them all to the Biopark! Everyone seemed to enjoy interacting with the capybaras, butterflies, and monkeys!
The following week was the beginning of the spring break! Not a break really, since I had to go into the Board of Education for the first part of the week, and one of my schools for the rest….but there were no classes and nothing to do! I looked very much forward to the weekend (well – I do that every week…) – where I went down to Nagasaki on Friday night for dinner with the girls and drinks in the park at night.
Nori, Lana, Shawna and Sandy at Dejima Wharf park, chilling under the cherry blossoms!

Saturday I packed my bags and took the night train up to KYOTO!! I think it is my favourite city in Japan…well that I’ve been to. So I was heading up to meet up with Lisa and Akina, who are visiting Japan for a couple of weeks to “take in the culture”. I arrived not so fresh-faced and healthy Sunday morning, but took a nice stroll along the Philosopher’s Path, taking many photos of the sakura and contemplating life (hahahaha)…then I went shopping (sounds more like me, eh?!). Met up with them at the station – it was very nice to see some familiar faces from home! We were staying at ryokan a short walk from the station, so we settled in there, had our traditional meal, went to the public bath, and got into our futons! Was pretty tired after my long day of walking around the city.
Akina and I in the taxi.
Monday we were picked up at our ryokan by the taxi tour guide who was taking us around for the day – we visited a few “scenic spots” where many pictures of more sakura were taken. We visited a famous estate called Manshuinmonzuki – where they had nightingale floors and a pretty rock garden. And we spent a few hours at the Kyoto Handicraft Centre where Akina made a woodblock print and painted a fan…and where I did some more shopping. A walk through the bamboo forest...
We visited the "Tree God's" house - he is a man that travels all over Japan fixing sick cherry blossom trees...
We visited Manshuinmonzuki, which had a beautiful rock garden.
Akina and her woodblock print of a maiko.
Our traditional dinner at the ryokan.
Tuesday, my last day in the city, we went to Kiyomizu Temple, first thing in the morning to beat the rush. It was beautiful! Especially with all the cherry blossoms! The temple is build with only joints – no nails were used! It is apparently an applicant for the New Seven Wonders of the World…who knew? Anyways, our visit there was a little more brief than I would have liked, but we were then off to the Nishijin Textile Museum, where we saw a kimono fashion show, saw them making the obi material, saw real silk worms, and shopped some more (clearly). We only had a little time left, so we quickly went to see the sakura at the Philosopher’s Path and then parted ways at the station. All in all – a very nice visit! (I have posted a few more photos from the trip on my Facebook account – if you want the link, email me!)
Kiyomizu Temple Kimono fashion show at the Nishijin Textile Museum
Philosopher's Path again!
On Wednesday night – I drove down to Omura to join Shawna and Lana for rock climbing!! It was pretty daunting at first – there were quite a few people there just watching, and I was terrified I would only get one foot off the floor and collapse due to my poor arm strength. But once strapped in, I was ready to go! I didn’t get extremely high up the wall – but I did better than I thought I would! It was quite fun and I would definitely do it again (and for $1 for an hour, you can’t go wrong!) But its’ Friday now, and my hands and arms are still soooo sore! Sad really…
So that has been the past few weeks…on other notes:
Signs that Meg is becoming more Japanese (so far…):
1) While shopping at the grocery store with Nicola, I decided that one package of cookies was better than the other because it was all “individually wrapped”
2) I have learned to carry my umbrella around with me much more than I ever would back home (but I REFUSE to use it when its sunny out! I’m not crazy yet…)
3) I have caught my self covering my mouth when about to laugh, and have waved my hand in front of my face to say no….and I bow on command….
4) Anko (sweet bean paste) has started to grow on me….
5) More to come I’m sure….
And it’s only been 8 months….you all won’t recognize me when I get home…hahahhaa
Argh! Not the sweet bean paste! Say it isn't so! Some great pictures of Kyoto, I can't wait to go there.
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