The new school year is well underway and classes are picking back up, after having a few weeks of nothing to do. Along with that, comes a new batch of first years – who are so tiny and cute! And also quite genki to be learning English – but that will soon change, I’m sure. I’ve had to do some more self-introductions, only for the 40th time…lots of fun. But the new teachers seem very nice so far…so things seem like they are off to a good start!
It is still the same countdown to the weekends every week though – and there have been some good weekends in the past few weeks!
I had a welcoming party with the Shimizu Junior High School teachers. Met some of the new teachers, who all seemed really nice. I was sitting beside the new English teacher (which I didn’t know at the time) and I introduced myself. She said to me “Oh Megumi? Are you Mexican?” What!? I was slightly confused…and then I found out that she was the English teacher…hmmm…curious. Haven’t had to work with her yet though! She was really nice – but maybe just a little out of it (maybe she got into the beer and sake before everyone arrived…because she was definitely into it after!)
On Easter weekend, I went for a Hanami with the Sasebo crew in Saikaibashi Park – famous for its one thousand sakura trees. We had a very relaxed time under the cherry blossoms, taking photos, chatting, some of us drinking, etc, etc.
After the hanami, I drove down to Nagasaki for a night out on the town with the regular gang. Always a very fun time. It included a crazy game of charades, and going out dancing at Dindi’s – a Russian girls snack bar. Classy, I know…but they actually play really fun music, and we kind of take over the place and make it a fun time!
My Sunday night Easter dinner was not the usual ham, turkey, lamb, veggies, mashed potatoes, cream puffs, chocolate eggs, etc, etc….unfortunately. Wow – I am drooling right now….But it was a BBQ at a snow/wakeboarding shop in what seemed like the middle of nowhere. Turned out to be fun and pretty good food….but comparing the two now…doesn’t sound as appealing… Mmmmm BBQ (Hayden, Julian, me and Lana)
The following weekend I went down to Omura on Friday night after dance class to eat a lovely meal cooked by Sandy. It was “Trini night” and she was cooking us some dhal and spicy chicken and rice….mmm! Sooo good! It was a really great girls night!
Then Saturday we all went down to Nagasaki for the organic food buffet (we really plan around our meals!) and spent the afternoon in the park in the sun. That night, it was Rock Night – where a few ALT performers, bands, etc performed at a bar called Crazy Horse. The bar was packed and it was a lot of fun! Everyone was really good – we have some pretty talented people here in Nagasaki…

Shawna and myself with a random Japanese man (or sumo wrestler?)
Sunday was our regular Indian curry lunch and spent the afternoon walking up a mountain to find a new park to hang out at. The appeal was that they had a giant slide and a zip line to play on….turns out it was not that fun. The slide was quite long – but the bottom was made out of rollers….so you slid along like a conveyer belt-type thing – but take my word for it – it does NOT feel good on the bottom. Not quite sure how the little kids were doing it! We were all in pain afterwards! Maybe it was our extra weight and speed….sad. But we still had the zip line to look forward to – which was also a disappointment, as we lost Sandy to burns on her knees and feet, and my shoes and socks went flying…but the day was saved by a giant jar of jelly beans…which we devoured.
Had another walking trip last week with Hiroda Junior High School – where we walked 5kms up a mountain, played in the park all day, then walked back. It was pretty cool once we got up – but I didn’t realize that I totally burnt my nose! So I looked like Rudolf for the next couple of days. The nice thing about these excursions though is that it is the only day that students are allowed to bring desserts or junk food. So they usually come prepared with BAGS of the stuff and share with everyone…especially the teachers. Which I gladly appreciated…
I went on the navy base again last week! This time it was for my Japanese class – who had organized to go have a meal there. We went to the buffet restaurant where it was Mongolian BBQ (I was sort of expecting some classic American food…like hamburgers, hot dogs, cheese of any kind would have been appreciated). But it was actually quite good – we all filled our bowls with different veggies and meats…before realizing how much we had…so we definitely stuffed our faces! But all worth it!
Last weekend, Hayden and Aaron were playing a more “acoustic” show at The Spot in Omura – so we went down for that on Friday night. Very entertaining and the Omura crew showed us a good time, as per usual. The night continued on at Lana’s, where drinking games and much needed sleep for me(after I lost the game) occurred.

We then all drove down to Nagasaki where there was a Latin Salsa Party going on. It was packed with many, many Japanese girls and a live band for a bit. Good fun, yet again!
So that has been the weekend update….in other news – My dance teachers asked if I could be in the group dance for our June show. I was totally honoured and shocked that they asked (and am slightly intimidated and worried for having to dance and coordinate with other people!)…but am also very excited! The only catch was that they are all having matching yukatas made for the dance…and it would cost me $300! Ack…but my teachers said that I would only have to pay $200 if I wanted to be in the dance – I’m not really sure if the rest if coming out of their wallets, but it was so nice of them to do that for me. They are really too good to me! I fear I am going to be a giant embarrassment though!!
AND….I just started taiko drumming lessons! My Japanese teacher was able to find me a group in Sasebo that practices twice a week (Tuesdays and Fridays from 8-10pm ack!) for only $10 a month! It was my first time last night, and Hitoshi and Nicola joined me as well. They did a small performance for us, then took us into the lesson room and taught us a full song! It was soooo much fun – and I have blisters to prove it! I’m really looking forward to this – as they said it might lead to performing with them as well! Would be really cool! And they gave us our own sticks as well! Can you tell I’m excited?

My taiko wound...
On a non-Japan related item….GO SENS GO!!! I have to admit that I didn’t think I would miss hockey that much, since I was rarely able to watch it when I was in Canada, and even more rarely went to the games. But being here and only being able to see video highlights, refresh the homepage every 2 minutes to check the scores, and getting email updates – I am very envious of everyone back home! Round 2! Woo hoo!!
My next update will be about KOREA!! I am leaving on Friday for 4 nights in Seoul! I am going with Nicola, Jenny, Claire and Brent – and I am meeting up with Kat Adams – an old childhood friend and fellow Barrhavenite who is teaching English there! Should be lots of fun!
Signs that Meg is becoming more Japanese (so far…):
1) While shopping at the grocery store with Nicola, I decided that one package of cookies was better than the other because it was all “individually wrapped”
2) I have learned to carry my umbrella around with me much more than I ever would back home (but I REFUSE to use it when its sunny out! I’m not crazy yet…)
3) I have caught my self covering my mouth when about to laugh, and have waved my hand in front of my face to say no….and I bow on command….
4) Anko (sweet bean paste) has started to grow on me….
5) I fold everything…well except for my clothes...hahaha