Ok – so Golden Week seems like it was ages ago – but things have been pretty busy since I’ve been back, and I haven’t had a chance to update about my vacation! But here goes…I will try to be brief and add as many pics as possible…
So, Friday night, I was off with Nicola, Jenny, Claire and Brent to Seoul, Korea! We had an evening flight from Fukuoka, which took only about one and a half hours. We took the airport bus into the city and met up with Jenny’s friend, Lyndsey, who helped guide us to our hostel. We had a slight fear that it wouldn’t be booked since the woman barely spoke any English on the phone – but thankfully there was room. It was pretty sparse, but clean, and included free internet and breakfast. Not a bad deal!

Nicola, Claire, Jenny and Brent - fresh off the plane from Fukuoka.
Saturday morning we were up and ready pretty early for our DMZ tour – we met up with the tour guide, paid up, and set off for the border between North and South Korea! Our first stop was a buffet lunch…which is always appreciated. First site was the Freedom Bridge or Majung-ri – where family members who were separated during the Korean war come to honour their family members and ancestors who remain in North Korea.
Then we drove up to the DMZ (Demilitarized Zone), or Joint Security Area run by the UN. We were given strict instructions not to take any pictures unless we were told it was okay, we couldn’t point in any directions (apparently the North Koreans would think we were taunting them), and had to sit through a powerpoint presentation on the history of the area and signed a waiver form. The waiver form was a bit of a shock – point number 1 basically said that they were not responsible if we died…Not exactly reassuring!
We were guided to different areas on the base, and even got to step on North Korean ground! The only place in the country where it was allowed! It was in the meeting room where discussions and negotiations between North and South Korea, along with the UN, take place. All the guards there have ball bearings in the bottom of their pants – which makes it pretty loud when they are walking around, but are there to give the impression that there are many more than just one person coming…crazy!
This is me in North Korea! woo hoo!
After our tour, of course there was a gift shop, with all the military gear & camo you could possibly need…
What I learned from that tour was that basically, Seoul lives in constant fear that they are going to be attacked by North Korea…reassuring…

After we got back into Seoul, we took a little break, and then got dressed for our evening in the nightlife district. We met up with Jenny and Lyndsey again, and went out for seafood and of course, kimchee. We were going to go out and experience the nightlife, but a few of us weren’t exactly up for a big night on the town, so we headed back to our hostel area – but Nicola and I were still up for going out for a drink – so we headed to a local bar. I think that it was my first time being in a foreign country where I had no knowledge of the language – so ordering was a little interesting! Since I’m not a beer fan, she said that they had a kiwi sho-chu – and brought out a huge jug of it for the two of us!!

We had a bit of a later start on Sunday – but checked out of the hostel and went to watch a parade that was going on for the “Hi Seoul!” Festival. There were many people dressed up in traditional Korean clothing, leaving from the palace close to our hostel and walking down towards City Hall. We watched for a bit before heading down to City Hall for the International Food Festival – which was fabulous! So many different foods and people dancing, music, etc etc…

Parade man...he was hamming it up for the cameras....That is right - you can get your FREE HUGS at the Hi Seoul festival...
Okay - I swear this food isn't all mine....well some of it....actually most of it...hahah jk
After the food festival, we walked to the Seoul Museum of Art – where we saw a Korean movie or tv show being made…and got shooed away for trying to take a picture…oops! The museum was pretty cool and had some interesting exhibits.

We then went across the river to the 63 Building – which is called that because there are 63 floors…although only 60 are above ground. We sat in the coffee shop and rested our sore feet from all the walking, and I met up with Kat Adams – another Barrhaven girl who is teaching in Seoul for a year or so. Always nice to see a familiar face this side of the ocean! We went up to the top, had a drink at the bar, and got some photos of the nights in Seoul. Unreal about how big it really is – and the hundreds and hundreds of apartment complexes! Unbelievable. We then treated ourselves to a huge buffet dinner in the building…with a chocolate fountain!! You can never go wrong with a chocolate fountain…

Views from the top of the 63 Building.
Nic and Claire were leaving early the next morning, and Brent and I were staying another day and a half, and were crashing at Kat’s apartment (extremely nice of her to put us up!). Monday morning we got up and got ready for our day of shopping! We first went to the Electronics town – which is apparently the biggest in Asia! It was a little overwhelming, but I did end up finding my Nintendo DS Lite! Woo hoo! Was very excited about that! We then went to the Dongdaemon district, where they have huge department stores which are open until 5am! Crazy! Did some souvenir shopping and then went out for Korean BBQ or Galbi…it was sooo good! No one spoke a word of English – and we both clearly spoke no Korean – but thankfully one of the waiters was Chinese – so Brent was able to order for us! The meat was unbelievably yummy!

Tuesday was our last day in Seoul – we parted ways with Kat (with promises of her coming to visit in Japan!) and headed downtown to meet with Jenny and Lyndsey for lunch before catching the bus to the airport. I had a bimbibap…or something like that…which was pretty decent as my last meal (although it was no chocolate fountain!). We were a little early for our flight – so we wandered the MASSIVE airport, that has tons of stores…and then ate some more…Jenny & Brent opted for one last Korean meal…while I spotted a Cold Cut Trio Subway!!! My favourite! I was in heaven...
So I realize that this blog has turned into a blog about food…ok, I will stop.
I had to work one day before there was another 4-day weekend. The day definitely seemed to go by fast, knowing that the work week was only one day long! After work, Hayden came up and we bought some snacks and such for our road trip! We packed up my Super-Off-Roader and left Thursday morning for Mt. Aso…the largest active volcano in Japan…I think (I’ll have to check my facts on that one). We wandered around and also headed up to the crater, which was pretty cool. The best part was that they had these odd little shelters, assuming that the volcano would erupt…but take my word – you would not want to be in one of these shelters if that were to happen!!

Views from the top of Mt. Aso
We were going to head into the little town near the bottom which is famous for their onsens, but being Golden Week – many of them were really busy, so we went to the Aso Hippie Festival instead to meet some friends. Ok, so it’s not called the Aso Hippie Festival – but that really is what it was. Lots of fun though – bands playing, people dancing, eating hemp scones, campfires, African drumming…and all that jazz. Had a horrendous sleep on the hard ground – but was graciously lent a tent for the evening by dear Lana.
See....I told you it was a hippie festival...
We woke up early on Friday morning – absolutely freezing! Was quite anxious to get out of there and back on the road down to Kagoshima! We hit torrential downpours along the way…which is always lovely to drive in. It stopped raining as we arrived into Kagoshima, and so we drove around the bay to go to Sakurajima – another large volcano just opposite of Kagoshima city. Went to the “lava rock” park and wandered around before it started to rain again, so we took the ferry across to Kagoshima. Once there, we realized that it was pretty late and all the hotels we found were full for the evening…so we planned to sleep in an internet café for the evening. In the meantime, we grabbed a bite for dinner and went to see Spiderman 3. Very cultural…I know. Then we headed back to our cramped quarters at the internet café…another night of terrible sleep...

Sakurajima Volcano...in the rain.

Saturday morning, we drove down to Ibutski, in the rain once more, but determined to do the hot sand baths that they are famous for. There was a long wait, since they were only doing it under the shelter from the rain – but it was well worth the wait! Very relaxing – and hot! I was under the impression that they would tell us when our ten minutes was up….but they never came – so I think we were in there for 30 minutes or so! Pretty cool though! Glad I did it!

Since the weather was so yucky, we skipped going to Miyazaki (since they are famous for their beaches) and decided to spend another night in Kagoshima – and luckily this time we were able to find a hotel room! We went to a great little Vietnamese restaurant for dinner and wandered some more around the city. It really seems like a very nice place. Hopefully I will get to go back sometime before I leave!
Sunday we headed out early back towards Nagasaki – the drive went by much faster going home. We took the ferry over to Shimabara, instead of taking the highway. We stopped by there to visit the old “samurai street” where you can go look into the old houses and such. But, rainy yet again – and got drenched walking around without an umbrella.

Anyways – it was a great Golden Week…which I now realized happened over a month ago….but its better late than never, right!? Takers??
Signs that Meg is becoming more Japanese (so far…):
1) While shopping at the grocery store with Nicola, I decided that one package of cookies was better than the other because it was all “individually wrapped”
2) I have learned to carry my umbrella around with me much more than I ever would back home (but I REFUSE to use it when its sunny out! I’m not crazy yet…)
3) I have caught my self covering my mouth when about to laugh, and have waved my hand in front of my face to say no….and I bow on command….
4) Anko (sweet bean paste) has started to grow on me….
5) I fold everything…well except for my clothes...hahaha